Innovation tools from award-winning commercials
Recently I attended a conference where one of the speakers, Ravid, was talking about innovation tools. It was one of the best and most practical sessions I attended.
Recently I attended a conference where one of the speakers, Ravid, was talking about innovation tools. It was one of the best and most practical sessions I attended.
Nedavno sam imala prilike da sa studentima u Nišu na dva događaja u istom danu podelim biznis lekcije za uspešan početak karijere. Ovaj tekst možemo
“It had taken Elon Musk less than a decade to go from being a Canadian backpacker to becoming a multimillionaire at the age of twenty-seven.”
Ja sam strateg za marketing i komunikacije, vlasnica agencije Digital Way, autorka Analogičnih priča (ako želiš da ih čitaš prijavi se ovde.), biznis kouč, ko-autorka podcasta Kako si na poslu.
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