In the previous post about kindle, I promised to share how to buy books very cheap or for free. This is how I have been buying books in the last few months. I have probably bought a lot more than I will get the time to read, but I always see buying books as an investment.
How to find cheap books?
First, sign up for Bookbub. It’s a platform where you can select what kind of books you like reading. You can pick the genre or specific authors you like reading and subscribe to get the deals about books on those topics and/or authors in your email. I picked non-fiction, biographies, business, how-to, self-help and psychology.
Every day, you will be getting an email about book deals for that specific day. When discounted, the books cost between $3 and $1. I am talking about kindle books. You may be able to select regular book deals as well, but I picked kindle. If you want to buy any of them, do it that day or in the next few days, because books are on the deal always for a limited time, then the price goes back up.
Before buying, I always check reviews for the book on Goodreads and make a decision based on that.
That was the answer to the question of how to find cheap books. Next question is:
How to buy books for free?
Go to Capterra website and click on the write a review part. Pick a software you are using and have experience with and write a review about it. For the first review, you should get a $10 gift card on your email. For every other review you write, you get additional $5 gift card. You can then pick where do you want to spend those dollars – options are Amazon, Starbucks, give them to charity etc. I pick Amazon and get gift card money on my Amazon account.
That way, when I’m buying books for the discounted price, I don’t actually pay but use the money from the gift card – so the books are basically free. I am able to buy two or even three books for a $5 gift card.

Let me know if there is some other useful and similar website on this topic?
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One Response
[…] short reminder: I wrote about How to buy cheap books (or for free) and Kindle vs. regular books. I bought most of my Kindle books as I described in that blog post and […]