
Quotes from my kindle

When you highlight parts of the books in kindle, all the quotes end up saved in a document. Many good quotes and book recommendations can be found there. I want to share them with you.

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How to buy books cheap or for free

In the previous post about kindle, I promised to share how to buy books very cheap or for free. This is how I have been buying books in the last few months. I have probably bought a lot more than I will get the time to read, but I always see buying books as an investment.

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Kindle vs regular books

I still read both regular books and kindle, but I mostly buy kindle versions of books because of the physical space. Trust me, the hardest part when moving into a different apartment is to move my library – it is very heavy and takes a lot of space.

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Perfect Home workout videos for winter

There are many things that can come up between us and our workout. For example, vacation, bad weather, meeting that lasted longer, a sudden call from a friend or you name any other excuse. It becomes especially hard in the winter. It is cold and way harder to get out of bed. That is when a home workout video can be a great option.

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Conferences you should not miss in 2020

“The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to it’s original dimension.” I believe this sums up the reason why we attend events and search for different experiences. Over the years, I have attended many, and here is my recommendation of events that you should not miss this year regardless of your profession.

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Three takeaways from “the code of the extraordinary mind”

I have been reading self-help books for years as I am very interested in the subject. After a while, all books become similar and messages start to repeat, so I switched to business books. However, The Code of the Extraordinary Mind is completely different and it brought me back to self-help literature. It reminded me that the most important thing we get to work on in our life is ourselves.

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Why you should attend #Kaktus2019

When it comes to conferences, I prefer visiting international ones as I believe that you can learn a lot more and broaden your views when you go somewhere else and listen to what people are doing in countries other than your own. However, there is one domestic conference about marketing and communications which brings the world here

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Why running?

I was never interested in sports and I didn’t do well in it. I was more of a book worm, nerd, study-oriented person. I started slow. My first run was around 7,5 km long and my only goal was not to stop. No matter how slow you go, just keep running

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O meni

Ja sam strateg za marketing i komunikacije, vlasnica agencije Digital Way, autorka Analogičnih priča (ako želiš da ih čitaš prijavi se ovde.), biznis kouč, ko-autorka podcasta Kako si na poslu.

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